Sunday, April 10, 2011


“When Jesus said to them, I am He, they went backwards
(drew back, lurched backward) and fell to the ground.” John 18:6 AMP

I was seventeen years old and my heart was breaking. I sat in the dark on my bed, crying, hurting, alone. On my closet door was a picture I had torn out of our church youth magazine of Jesus with the crown of thorns pressed over his brow. I had only recently discovered that such a thing as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ existed.

Though I couldn’t see it in the dark, that picture of Jesus, blood coursing down His face from the sharp thorns, was clear in my mind. I realized for the very first time that He understood my pain. He had suffered also—I could take my questions to Him, and I cried out for Him to take away the hurt. To this day I can remember how I felt at that moment, the almost tangible presence of the Lord Jesus, there in my darkened bedroom—there inside my grieving heart.

When Jesus spoke those words, “I Am He” the soldiers sent to arrest Him fell back in fear. They recognized that He wasn’t just saying that He was the person they were trying to arrest. His words were the statement of the Name above all other names, the Name of the great “I Am,” the God of the universe. They fell back because that Name has such power; power to heal all our pain and sorrows, to forgive all of our sins. That Name is the name of Jesus.

I had accepted Christ as my Savior before, but on that that night I accepted Him as the Lord of all my life, I gave Him control. Things have never been the same. Out of that one moment when I reached out to Jesus, a new life was born. My family all came to know Him and He set my feet firmly on a path that would lead to a life of serving Him—a life of being blessed by Him. I have a certainty that, even in trials, He is with me.

Have you come to the place in your life where the great “I Am” is the Savior from your sins and the Lord of all your life? If not, make this Easter the time that you let Him renew and restore your life. Let the great “I Am” become the Lord of all you are.

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman. Do not use without written permission of the author.

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